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Instilt – Instants are brief, yet comprehensive summaries of all the news events taking place around us. They tell you all you need to know about the situation in different parts of the world and keep you up to date. Simply hover over a select briefing card to learn everything you need to know about it, instantly.

All you need to know about the situation in the Suez Canal

April 2021

All you need to know about the sitution in the Suez Canal. On March 23rd, Ever given was on its way from Malaysia to Netherlands, when human error coupled with a strong sand storm wedged it between the suez canal. Ships representing 12% of world trade were forced to clog up or take a much longer route around Africa, costing about $10 Billion a day and hurting small businesses the most. High tide waves helped free the ship after six days, before it was seized by canal authorities and ordered to pay a billion dollars in compensation. Issues like canal mismanagement and supply chain resilience were identified. 3.4 Million dollars would've been lost in the time you watched this video.

All you need to know about the situation in Myanmar

March 2021

The military ruled for generations, mostly without fair, democratic elections until 2015 when the NLD won and showed hope, while the military carried out the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingyas. In 2020, the NLD won again by a landlside, but right before their victory was going to be made official, the military stormed the parliament and abducted party heads, accusing them of election fraud. They promised elections next year for the people, while national protests were being met with violence and brutality. The US and others have condemned it, while countries like China and Thailand have dismissed it. Immediate foreign intervention is needed to save Myanmar.